Saturday, February 27, 2010

5 things you should never do to your skin!

Remember how your parents nagged you as a teen- "Stop picking at your face!"? Now that we are adults there are even more no-nos when it comes to skincare.

1. Don't over stimulate. While removing dead skin cells can rev up your complexion, too much of a good thing can be bad leading estheticians say. This can include too frequent use of exfoliants, glycolic peels and microdermabrasions. So limit the use of exfoliants to 3 times a week and speak to your skin care specialist to see how often your skin type can handle the other type of treatments.

2. Don't touch your face frequently during the day. This is a tough habit to break- but is critical in preventing blemishes.

3. Just say no to indoor tanning salons. More than a million Americans (70% are teens and young women) are visiting tanning salons on an average day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Indoor tanning has been associated in some studies with a higher risk of the most common skin cancer- melanoma. If you need that glow, apply a bronzer across your cheek bones and sweep across your forehead, nose and chin lightly. Also apply some to your decalogue for sin-kissed look.

4. Don't use grimy cell phones. Clean your cell phone often with an alcohol based cleaner to disinfect and remove oils and dirt.

5. Don't scrub your skin! Overly agressive cleaning harms delicate skin. Use hydrating, protective skincare products- such products soften your skin and gently clean dirt away. Avon's Anew line has a complete skincare regimine for every age and every skin type. Try one for only $19.00- that includes a sample size cleanser, eye cream & day and night creams. Contact me today to learn more!