Saturday, November 21, 2009


We work hard and play hard, filling nearly every moment with activity and consumption. Sometimes it is just all too much. Make a choice to live stress-free. Follow these simple steps to live simply:

1. Stop buying things that don't serve a purpose in your life. If you absolutely love it, keep it until it is beyond repair. And eliminate (donate, recycle, regift) one item from your home before you buy it.

2. Make sure your home size is appropriate and easy to maintain. Living in a cozy environment can be more satisfying that the stress of maintaining a "mansion". Plus, the more extra space one has, the more it tends to get filled with un-needed stuff.

3. Schedule some down-time to relax and do "nothing"- at least 30 minutes a day. Try to spend some time in nature. Don't have time? Practice saying "no" to things that don't fulfill you.

4. Do you feel like your child's taxi? Limit extra-curricular activities to 1-3 per week, depending on their age. Otherwise, you may be raising a child that becomes addicted to constant stimulation.

5. Connect with a sense of spirit in your life, whether through prayer, religious service, journal writing, meditation or spiritual reading. You will find that simplicity leads to spirituality.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

30 Minute Morning Beauty Routine

Continuing the series of posts on morning beauty routines no matter how much time you have, here are some tips that you can use when you have a little more time.

For Your Face...
After washing your face, apply a hydrating face mask and leave on for 3 minutes. Follow up with your regular face moisturizer (with a minimum SPF of 15).

For Your Make Up...
Pull out your tweezers and get ready to pluck. A nicely groomed pair of eyebrows polishes your look more than you know. Be sure to be in a natural light (I like to do mine in my car!), follow your natural shape, getting rid of stray hairs and removing any extra hairs under your brow line. Set the shape with brow gel or hand cream. Then sweep your eyelids with a powder shadow from lash line to crease.

For Your Body...
Slather on foot cream, put on a pair of cotton socks and let the hydration soften and sooth your soles. Treat your self to a full manicure... two coats of polish and top coat.

For Your Hair...
Blow drying can actually be good for your hair...if you use a creamy hair mask or deep conditioning treatment. When applying focus on the middle and ends of your hair and leave it on for about 20 minutes. The blast it with a dryer- the heat will help the emollient penetrate

Monday, November 16, 2009

Jazz Up Your Wardrobe

Tips and Tricks to Get More Mileage From Your Clothes and Accessories.
Don't let your limited budget limit your style. Follow these tips to get more from what you already have.

Breathe Life Into a Brooch.
Pin an old brooch (or an inexpensive new one) to a cloth cosmetic case for a innovative clutch purse for an evening out. Or pin to the center of a length of ribbon and wear around your neck as a choker necklace.

Cinch Your Waist.
Fitted waists look very fresh right now. An east way to create one is with a wide belt. Don't have one in your closet? Try a gift ribbon- satin or grosgrain ribbons can make a casual outfit look festive.

Create Some Scarf Magic.
Scarves are a simple way to add splash to your evening look-but instead of just knotting one at your neck, try these pro tips: create a halter top by tying the corners of two large scarves around your neck (creating a cowl in the front) and tying the other two corners around the small of your back. Wear it under a jacket for a look that is professional. Another great look is using a scarf as a belt (see above) or simply tied onto your purse in an elegant bow.

Give Your Shoes a Shine.
An old pair of clip-on earrings can give your plain pumps and edgy new style.

Mix Up Your Baubles.
Wearing the same earring and necklace combinations can become passe. Give your accessories a fresher look by breaking up jewelry sets by wearing heavy beaded necklaces with diamond/crystal stud earrings. Also try layering by pairing shorter necklaces with long ones. This can make your everyday sets look brand-new.

IMAGE ABOVE: mark by AVON High Society Necklace $25., Ace of Lace Party Dress $29., Petal to the Metal ring $14.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

5 Minute Morning Beauty Routine

Yesterday I posted some quick tips if you only have one minute before you get out the door in the morning. If you only have 5 minutes - here are a few more tips:

For your face:
After cleansing apply a hydrating face mask; leave it on for three minutes, then rinse it off. Next apply a moisturizer. Look for ones that meet your skin type needs- whether it is for oily, dry or combination skin.

For you Makeup:
Apply a gel-based blush (which is more translucent than a powder blush), blend it in with your fingertips, then top with a powder bronzer. The combination creates a natural-looking , healthy flush. Add color (and softness) to your lips with an emollient lip balm in a berry or burgundy hue.

For your Body:
Use a body lotion that is scented with your favorite fragrance. Apply a deodorant that provides odor and antiperspirant protection.

For your Hair:
If your style has gone flat overnight, freshen up your look with a styling cream- which won't leave your hair gunky like second-day hair spray can.