Saturday, November 21, 2009


We work hard and play hard, filling nearly every moment with activity and consumption. Sometimes it is just all too much. Make a choice to live stress-free. Follow these simple steps to live simply:

1. Stop buying things that don't serve a purpose in your life. If you absolutely love it, keep it until it is beyond repair. And eliminate (donate, recycle, regift) one item from your home before you buy it.

2. Make sure your home size is appropriate and easy to maintain. Living in a cozy environment can be more satisfying that the stress of maintaining a "mansion". Plus, the more extra space one has, the more it tends to get filled with un-needed stuff.

3. Schedule some down-time to relax and do "nothing"- at least 30 minutes a day. Try to spend some time in nature. Don't have time? Practice saying "no" to things that don't fulfill you.

4. Do you feel like your child's taxi? Limit extra-curricular activities to 1-3 per week, depending on their age. Otherwise, you may be raising a child that becomes addicted to constant stimulation.

5. Connect with a sense of spirit in your life, whether through prayer, religious service, journal writing, meditation or spiritual reading. You will find that simplicity leads to spirituality.

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