Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year-A new beginning

Has your life seemed out of balance these past few weeks? It's easy to do with the many demands the holidays put on you. But think back to before the holiday rush- were you always running late to appointments? Were you beating yourself up because you forgot to bring the snack you were supposed to bring to your child's soccer game? Or is your out of control To Do List keeping you away from the gym- and up all night worrying? It's astounding how quickly our lives tumble off-kilter. "When you start feeling tired, irritable, tense or resentful more often than you feel relaxed, happy or content, it's time to reassess your life and priorities,"says psychologist and life coach, Jessica Hinz, PhD. and co-author of Learn To Balance Your Life: A Practical Guide To Having It All. Tipping life's scale in your favor takes effort, but the pay off- a happier, healthier you- is worth it! Take these steps to regain your footing:

Plan Your Days
Optimize your time by breaking your day into manageable chunks-say , "before work", "at work", "family time" and "me time" - with a short must do list for each section. To make sure the list isn't overwhelming, Dr. Hinz suggests asking yourself, "Do I really need to do this?" If the answer is yes, then ask "Is there someone who can help me?" Not sure you want to commit? Sleep on it.

Make Time To Play

If you can't find time to do the things you love, like gardening, painting or reading- then join a club. It might seem crazy to commit more time to others- but doing so forces you to spend more time pursuing your passions. Ask yourself- "What would I do if I could spend my time doing only those things that bring my life meaning, passion and purpose?".

Tweets, calls, emails, texts- call you away from what's really important.You become an "absent presence" in the lives of those who matter most- your family and friends. The solution is simple and yet difficult for many- silence your phones at important family gatherings, stop checking email after a certain hour, and don't feel pressed to get back to everyone right away.

Kiss Guilt Good Bye
Just because your friend called you at the last minute to go see a movie doesn't mean you should give up your plans to curl up and read a good book. Don't allow feelings of guilt or obligation to steal away your coveted down time. Being selfish isn't always a bad thing. You need to take care of yourself before you can tend to others.

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